Weekly Livestock Market Overview | 08 January 2024

 by Student in Agricultural Insight, Livestock, Livestock Market, Weekly Market Overview Leave a Comment

There haven’t been any auctions yet this year, so we don’t have updated weaner calf and lamb prices. We’ll provide those in next week’s episode. However, early indications show that weaner calf prices have risen nicely and are currently trading between R33 and R35.

The A2/3 carcass price peaked over Christmas but dropped slightly in the past week to R58.34, while the C-grade price declined to R49.62 per kilogram. Traditionally, consumer demand is quite limited in January due to high spending during the festive season and expenses for school fees, uniforms, books, etc. As a result, slaughter prices are expected to continue declining.

The outlook for weaner calf prices over the next few months also looks relatively positive compared to last year. Prices may improve in January as feedlots return to full capacity after the holiday season, while February’s tax-related purchases could further support prices. From mid-March to about July, during the weaning period, calf prices might decline. However, better grazing conditions due to the widespread rains could mean lower supply, as most producers will likely focus on herd rebuilding after the drought.

Botswana and Namibia are expected to export less this year, while demand could improve if grain farmers enjoy better harvests. Given these factors, calf prices are likely to trade at higher levels than last year, and we may even see good prices for breeding animals again.

We don’t yet have updated lamb prices for the past week, but the A2/3 price has increased due to better demand, reaching R94.18, while the C2/3 price rose to R66.60 per kilogram. Slaughter prices are also expected to decline now due to lower demand, and lamb prices may remain stable for the time being. This year could also be a better one for sheep prices, driven by the same factors supporting cattle prices.

Poultry prices traded sideways, with the frozen ex-abattoir price at R34.39, fresh prices rising to R35.73, and IQF prices remaining at R32.88 per kilogram. The expectation is that lower demand will put pressure on prices during the first few months of 2025.

Pork prices have fortunately stabilized over the past week. The latest baconer price is at R32.51, the porker price increased to R33.82, and the latest sausage pig price rose to R26.01 per kilogram. We also expect prices to decline further in the first few weeks of 2025 due to reduced demand as most consumers focus their spending on school-related expenses.

Goat prices remain unchanged, with the latest large goat price at R37.01, small goat prices at R56.34, medium goats at R49.31, and goat ewe prices trading at R44.86 per kilogram.






StudentWeekly Livestock Market Overview | 08 January 2024

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