Bananas are trading higher at R12.54 per kilogram or R226 per 18kg box. While supply remains tight, we’re currently at the upper end of the price range. I expect prices remain on a relatively higher level until the end of the year due to supply that can remain under pressure.
Apple prices increased to R11.95, and pears rose to R11.81 per kilogram. We’re now out of season for many fruits, which could keep prices elevated until year-end.
Oranges saw a price hike to R9.33, with most producers wrapping up their season. Avocado prices held steady at R21.14 per kilogram, despite an 12% drop in volumes the past week. Fuertes dropped to R27, Hass remained at R16, and Pinkertons increased to R20 per kilogram. Prices are expected to climb and peak in January before dropping sharply in February as the new season begins.
Table grapes increased to R72.37, Pineapples traded higher at R13.11, while lemons increased to R5.86. Meanwhile, blueberries saw an 30% drop in prices and now trading at R41.29 per kilogram. Expect more blueberries on the market, which could push prices down in November and December.