Weekly Fruit Market Overview | 16 January 2025

 by Student in Agricultural Insight, Fresh Produce, Fruit Market, Weekly Market Overview Leave a Comment

Shifting focus to the fruit markets, the average banana price jumped back to R11.18 per kilogram or R201 per 18kg box and is now only 3% lower than a year ago. Volumes dropped by 6% week on week with lots of rain affecting deliveries to the markets. We are however still expecting lower prices for the rest of this month.


Apple prices increased to R14.13 per kilogram, while pears dropped by another 8% to R16.53 per kilogram. Apple prices can remain on a higher level during January, but expect pear prices to stay in a downward trend now as volumes to the markets increase.


Orange prices decreased to R16.23 per kilogram but is likely to stay on a higher level until mid February. On the other hand, avocado prices jumped by a massive 68% to R43.35 per kilogram with volumes to the markets about 43% lower compared to this time a year ago. Variety-wise, Fuertes stayed on R43, Hass jumped to R54, and Pinkertons traded at R26 per kilogram. We can however expect this price to trade significantly lower from here on out.


The average grape price declined by 16% to R24.10 per kilogram, with volumes rising 96% week-on-week. Compared to last year, we’re still seeing 14% higher prices due to 2% lower volumes reported. This downward trend is however likely to continue until mid February, with prices likely to stay closer to the R20 mark over the next few months. Pineapples traded lower at R13.91, lemons increased to R9.78, while blueberries traded 7% higher at R74.95 per kilogram. I think we are close to a turning point where lemon prices can start trending downward while blueberries can stay in an upward trend now.

StudentWeekly Fruit Market Overview | 16 January 2025

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