The average banana price decreased and traded on R13.82 per kilogram or R249 per 18kg box and is now 7% higher than a year ago. We still expect prices to remain on a relatively higher level until the end of the year due to supply that can remain under pressure, but it can dip in January.
Apple prices decreased to R13.61 while the pear price rose to R15.43 per kilogram. The latest orange price however decreased by 10% to R12.39 while the Avocado price decreased by 15% to R30.41 per kilogram and is now 46% higher than a year ago. Fuertes increased to R46, Hass lower on R28, and Pinkertons on R31 per kilogram.
The big news in the fruit market was the grape season that kick off with 177% higher volumes week on week. As a result, the average price dropped by 35% to R35.63 per kilogram. Expect this price to remain in a downward trend at least until February next year. Pineapples traded higher at R10.45 and lemons increased to R9.56. Meanwhile, blueberry price dropped by 18% to R40.26 per kilogram.